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Do you have what it takes to face life’s changes in sobriety?


I coach recovering women creatives, entrepreneurs and professionals to build thriving relationsips and pursue vibrant work. I help them access their RESILIENCE, those “best-self” strengths, skills and talents that will shift their recovery into high gear so they can become the supreme version of their sober selves.

Want to enrich your relationships and have the career you’ve dreamt about? Maybe the consequences of your “social drinking” are not very sociable anymore and you need to get help before your life gets derailed completely.


As you may have realized (otherwise you wouldn’t have dropped by) recovery is not just about simply putting down the drink, the drug, or the relationship. That’s mere abstinence and painful as hell- as you probably already know. You might as well pick-up or use some other kind of destructive behaviour like overeating and overspending- which is what you probably do. And this cycle is rough on your work-life, personal and family responsibilities and even puts a dent into your creativity. You feel like you’re not in control even though you desperately want to be.

You want to thrive, not just survive. You want to create healthy relationships with your loved ones and be truly fulfilled with your work. I know you want to make better choices for yourself, and express your emotions with confidence.

You know you can and DESERVE better. You just lack the right gear and support.

So let’s get focused, feel empowered and live this super-gratifying and resilient life even during the turbulent times.


I bring to the table a gigantic buffet of counselling and coaching experience combined with my own “in-the-trenches” recovery background to serve up an inspiring and transformational experience for you. I offer novel approaches to staying sober, envisioning opportunities, with practical easy-to-use tools and techniques that work for busy, professional and creative women like you. My programs will help you build resiliency and stay the course , encouraging you to take action you never dreamed was possible.


Recovery is golden

Kintsugi – also known as Kintsukuroi – is the ancient Japanese technique of repairing broken pottery with a special lacquer dusted with powdered gold, silver, or platinum. Beautiful seams of gold glint in the cracks of ceramic ware, giving a unique appearance to the piece.


This repair method celebrates each artifact’s unique history by emphasizing its fractures and breaks, instead of hiding or disguising them. Kintsugi often makes the repaired piece even more beautiful than it was originally, revitalizing it. “In recovery, doesn’t our “brokenness” make us more beautiful?”

About Ivy

Ivy has dedicated over 15 years of her career to the field of addiction treatment, working as a counselor, supervisor, group facilitator and clinical manager. She has experience in both the inpatient and outpatient environment. She has worked in a variety of treatment facilities including Edgewood Heath Network (Canada’s premier addiction treatment and mental health provider) and Chatsworth Pavilion (internationally known exclusive residential treatment centre).


Ivy had designed and delivered numerous programs and workshops on Relapse Prevention, Identifying Values and creating your vision, Finding the Career you love and Improving communication skills in recovery. She has thriving practice in Montreal, Canada but works online with many clients across Canada and the U.S.A.


She received her B.A. in Communications from McGill University and her M.A. in Human Systems Intervention from Concordia University. She has a certification in Use of Self, Group Facilitation and Appreciative Inquiry. Ivy is also a member of CACCF (Canadian Addiction Counselor Certification Federation).

Ivy Tolchinsky recovery coach alternative to 12 step

my Resilient  Recovery Services

Life is tough and full of many different transitions. Possessing the right tools and developing resiliency will help you get through these challenging times.


Incentives to

Stay Sober


Reasons to be Grateful


Successful Transitions


